Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Second life……Introduction

I was born into my Second Life October 30 - 2011, as I was going through some photo's and looking at my evolution in a mere nine months, I decided to share my introduction with SL with those who may care. Even one avi , especially a new one may find this helpful. I started this journey, it has just begun. I will share experiences, fashion, art, music venues, stores, hidden gems and much more that I find along the way.

First, I have to thank my good RL friend who introduced me to the 2012 version of the "GONG SHOW". Now, if you are over 30 you will know what this means. If you are younger , let's compare it to " Jerry Springer ". I could not believe that I, an educated woman , never heard of the mysterious land of 'Second Life' and the infamous 'Linden Labs'. Now, when I tried to visualize an 'Avatar ', of course I pictured very tall, large hands, blue avi's that say," I SEE YOU!".

Lets compare my SL awakening to 'ALICE IN WONDERLAND '…. WOW!  I was in the land of Neko, Vamps, Human, Machine, Tiny's and much much more!  I had blond hair, knapsack, tartan kilt, red top and black boots. I'll never forget my NEWBIE avatar. No shape, no breasts,  no hips, no butt, I was the perfect 'track 'n' field star'…. and  I was lost…………………………. I was lost in the abyss, shocked, eyes wide open and my mouth most have caught a million flies.  My first day in SL alone, I was frantically searching for my friend, yes the friend that introduced me, my loyal confidant, my safe haven....HELP!

She gave me some curves, clothes, makeup and advice. Patted me on the head and set me loose into the land of Second Life.  I had no idea what 'LAG' , 'REZ meant. I did not even know how to dress myself without messing up and turning into the  famous 'cloud' or 'red mist' . After daily practice and pure frustration  that I verbally expressed behind the screen this is what I came up with.  Two weeks as a newbie in SL………. a 'rack'  that is too big, lips that were stuck on a tail pipe of a large SUV and there I was, 'BLOND ALICE IN WONDERLAND'

I decided that this was NOT the best look for me, some normal proportioned lips and eyes would be a great start. I did not realize how out of proportioned my shape really was until someone introduced himself to me on Dec 12, 2011. I was a 6 week newborn and he had over 7years of wisdom and talent. R.W. has been the most influential person in my 9 month span of SL.

What would be the odds that someone who works with shapes, skins would lay his eyes upon the 'jigsaw puzzle' in front of him and transform her into a SWAN. Not only did he transform me, he also implanted years of wisdom of the actual expectation of SL and the various paths that will either lead you to Heaven / Hell or somewhere in between ~ Purgatory.  I felt like I was in 'time travel, instead of taking months and months to learn and figure it out. I was zoomed through a time capsule of knowledge from someone who has done, seen it and lived it.  Advice to the new, if you are blessed to find someone over 5yrs old in SL and he/she has some education and knowledge , I suggest bonding a friendship because you will need and respect their advice. I went from 'tail pipe' to:

with a few more minor adjustments
blossomed into The Swan

 Prima Donna, The Swan, Diva.. anyone of those shall do!

My thoughts have matured and I do believe that your SL is as YOU MAKE IT. As the saying goes," If it's to be, it's up to me!" I have fallen and needed a few bandaids to cover the wounds, dusted myself off and thought,"Shit, I'm not trying that again." Furthermore, famous last words ring very loud in my ear,"NEVER SAY NEVER".

There are great opportunities and if you truly believe all you have to do is rub your ruby slippers together, hold on tight to Toto and let the winds of SL carry you up and far, far away!